Thought Of The Day

If you miss writing, garb a pen (or your keyboard) and just start writing (typing) whatever comes to your mind..

Saturday, February 13, 2010

We are the world

The song is playing in my head none-stop, I watched the new one last night, Wyclef's part touched my heart, but something was missing, I loved the idea of different backgrounds and music styles, but, the different music style isn't really all that musical! the older version was very smooth, it was ONE, the whole song touched me and made musical sense, the new one, well, I like some T-Pain songs, but... and Miley Cyrus???!! I felt so old last night! I immediately you-tubed the older version and sat there listening to it and found myself comparing the artists, which is not at all fair I know. Anyways, something about Stevie Wonder, Bruce Springsteen, Ray Charles, and Michael Jackson with Diana Ross made more sense than Akon, Justin Bieber and Nicole pussycat with lil' wayne. It's only my opinion though, the cause is really what matters at the end of the day, and helping Haiti is very important right now, so please, download it, visit All proceeds will benefit earthquake recovery efforts in Haiti.
On a happier note, the winter olympics opening ceremony was quite impressive, I love the song "hallelujah" but not sure it was the right place and time for it, but everything else was pretty much impressive and uplifting, except when the Estonian delegation came out and I realized there is no Egyptian one! Loved Bryan Adams and Sarah Mclachlan. Seeing the Iranian delegation was nice as well, so yeah, last night was a good night.
I also went and saw "Wolfman" not much to say there, whatever you expected this movie to be, it is. And speaking of movies, I watched "Princess and the frog" last weekend, a lot to say there, first, it felt like there was no magic whatsoever, the movie had all the elements movies "should" have I guess, songs, side kicks, a villain, and a happy ending, these all make a good movie, but not a Disney movie! Magic is the main ingredient in Disney movies, and that movie had none, unless you consider Voodoo magic, which brings the second thing that bothered me, the whole voodoo and "friends on the other side" concept was a little too creepy for a children movie, it was too creepy for me! yes all villains have magic, and use it for their evil plans, Ursula and Jafar used were pretty evil, and that terrifying witch from Sleeping Beauty, but those black shadows creeping across the streets were just a little too much for my taste, a lot like the end of "Ghost", you knwo the part when the traitor best friend dies, very scary! Also the whole poor-girl theme was a bit too much reality for supposedly a fairytale movie, I like the concept of a female heroin working hard to get what she wants, not waiting for a man to come and kiss her saving her life, but, why a waitress? I am sure Disney could have done better with the independent girl theme, Mulan accomplished that pretty well I thought. And why a brook prince? whoever thought of the brook prince idea? and in this movie specifically? really???! A hard-working waitress, and a brook womanizer prince, REALLY?
Anyways, maybe I'm too harsh, but I had such high hopes and expectations for that movie, I'm a sucker for Diseny, I quote "Ariel the little mermaid" daily! Watched Beauty & the Beast over 20 times, and even have Disney sing-along-songs on video tapes, I just expected to be swept off my feet, instead i was bored out of my mind. Well, must end on a positive note....Oh, for Valentine's day my husband and I are staying in and he is making me dinner, I'm looking forward to that, we do not really celebrate it, but if all the lovers around us are celebrating and we are not, what does that say about us? so enjoy your loved ones everybody, and don't eat too much chocolate, and for all of you single people, PARTY LIKE IT'S 1969.


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